AccurateTax Documentation
This page contains links to all of our publicly-available documentation. At this time, detailed API (application programming interface) information is only available to trial and paying customers, and is available by logging into your account.
Use our Magento sales tax extension to integrate your Magento Commerce store with AccurateTax. Installation instructions can be found here.
Miva Merchant
Our module for the Miva Merchant shopping cart allows our customers to connect their Miva store to our AccurateTax service. This allows sales tax to be calculated for orders placed on the website, or placed inside of the Miva administration (such as phone orders). The module has many settings that can help you control how products, shipping methods, and other charges are treated as it relates to sales tax. AccurateTax for Miva Merchant Installation and Setup
Open Cart
OpenCart Module Installation (PDF)
Our plugin for WooCommerce sales tax calculates and reports on sales tax in your WooCommerce-powered shop. AccurateTax for WooCommerce Installation and Setup
Sales Tax API
Please contact us for more information about working with our API.